Welcome to this page.
I hope you will enjoy it.
I am creating this website just like a
picture book.
These illustrations show the viewer
the different kinds of art throughout
I would like to share with you my favourite
works of art.
Look at this site as a child would ponder
over a comic book.
If you like to criticise it, it would be my
pleasure to read your opinion in my
I didn't introduce myself, because I wanted
you to get
to know me through this page.
Enjoy your trip through this
In every "room" of this exhibition, you can
click on the pictures to enjoy a larger format of the
If you encounter problems navigating my
site, please e-mail me and i will try my best to solve any
problem you have.
- I would enjoy very much hearing your
observations about my home-page.
- Please fill in the form for my guestbook and don't
forget your opinions are important to help me improve my
Don't forget to press"send it", that way i
get it.
GET IT!!!!!! :-)
Thank you very much and enjoy the